MASTERCLASS: Tackling True Crime with Mark Dapin
Whether you're crafting a chilling tale of mystery or a harrowing account of justice, this masterclass will equip you with the foundational skills to turn real-life crimes into unforgettable stories. Mark Dapin addresses the practical questions faced by first-time true-crime writers: How do I find inquest reports? How do I find court transcripts? How do I approach lawyers? How do I visit prisons? How do I interview criminals? How do I interview detectives? How do I figure out who is telling the truth? And, perhaps most importantly, how much danger am I letting myself in for? Mark will then discuss how to structure a story and ensure that the narrative grips the reader.
In true crime more than any other genre, it’s vital to keep the reader guessing and not give away too much too soon.
Participant requirements: notebook or laptop.